Val 1st May 2016

Bob, it is nearly two years since you died and I don't think I shall ever get over the loss. Yes, I know that you could not have stayed any longer and you wouldn't want me to be sad but I just cannot help it. Every day since you died I have lit a candle for you (you get 2 at weekends)!! The days are long and lonely and I have so much to do trying to move and the sheer volume of work involved with that is frightening. I know you will never see this but it is helping me to tell you everything. I keep watching Bailey and his leg is not healing up - he does not know how to rest and is making himself worse by running around and he is limping more than ever. I won't let him suffer and when the time comes for me to say goodbye to him I will be holding him so that he won't be afraid. After that, there is nothing to keep me here, only a life of pain and suffering and I would love to be able to join you and get away from it. I guess this is stupid writing my thoughts down like this maybe I'll write them in a journal of "Life After 2 Years". Good name for a television series !! I'll read through them over the next couple of days and then delete this thought as every one thinks I am OK and coping and they don't need to read this. I love you, miss you more than you'd ever know. My love always and forever xx